Spirit of Freedom Commemorative Medal of Honor Medallion from the African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation awarded "For outstanding service beyond the call of duty to educate and facilitate awareness of the African American Civil War Experience." Granted by Asa Gordon, Sec. Gen. Sons & Daughters of the United States Colored Troops and Frank Smith, Founding Director of the African American Civil War Memorial Freedom Foundation.

Neo-Confederacy: A Critical Introduction, edited by Euan Hague, Heidi Beirich, and Edward H. Sebesta, University of Texas Press, 2008. The University of Texas Press web page for the book is at http://utpress.utexas.edu/index.php/books/hagneo. At the web page you can read the introduction and browse other parts of the book.

Co-editor of “The Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader: The ‘Great Truth’ About the ‘Lost Cause’” Edited by James Loewen and Edward H. Sebesta, Univ. Press of Mississippi 2010. (https://www.upress.state.ms.us/Books/T/The-Confederate-and-Neo-Confederate-Reader2).

Author of chapter about the Civil War and Reconstruction in the notorious Texas teaching standards in Politics and the History Curriculum: The Struggle over Standards in Texas and the Nation, published by Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.keitherekson.com/books/politics-and-the-history-curriculum/

Pernicous: The Neo-Confederate Campaign Against Social Justice, by Edward H. Sebesta with Foreword by Dr. Euan Hague explains the agenda of the reactionary neo-Confederate movement and their subtle methods of achieving these goals. Available in both Kindle and paperback. http://amazon.com/edwardsebesta
Academic Articles Published
1. (2000) "The Confederate Memorial Tartan: Officially approved by the Scottish Tartan Authority" in Scottish Affairs, no. 31 (Spring) p.55-84. About neo-Confederate self-identification as Celtic.
2. (2002) "The US Civil War As A Theological War: Confederate Christian Nationalism and the League of the South," in Canadian Review of American Studies, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 253-284. It turns out that the Neo-Confederate movement and the Christian Reconstructionist movement are overlapped. It is a story starting out with James Thornwell, R.L. Dabney, Benjamin Palmer, proslavery theologians, and later Richard Weaver, C. Gregg Singer, R.J. Rushdoony, Eugene Genovese, and into the present with the League of the South.
3. "Asserting Celtic Roots: The use of Celtic culture in the nationalist campaigns of the Lega Nord and the League of the South," Euan Hague, Benito Giordano, Edward H. Sebesta, Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, Vol. 34 (2004), pages 23-36.
4. "Whiteness, multiculturalism and nationalist appropriation of Celtic culture: the case of the League of the South and the Lega Nord," Euan Hague, Benito Giordano, Edward H. Sebesta, April 2005, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 151-173(23), Cultural Geographies. Abstract online at < http://cgj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/12/2/151>.
5. (2011) “The Jefferson Davis Highway: Contesting the Confederacy in the Pacific Northwest,” Euan Hague, Edward H. Sebesta, 2011, Journal of American Studies, Cambridge Journals, Vol. 45 No. 2, May 2011, pp. 281-301. Abstract online at http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8267705.
Black Commentator Articles Online
1. White Banal Nationalism and The Richland High School Rebels, about Confederate identifiers in the high schools, the rationalizations and excuses of the Birdville ISD for these Confederate identifiers and their banal white nationalism. http://blackcommentator.com/621/621_white_banal_nationalism_sebesta_guest.html
2. Has Neo-Confederacy Fallen? An assessment of the current status of neo-Confederacy after the Charleston Massacre, challenges that lie ahead in fighting neo-Confederacy, and an autobiography of 23 years of fighting neo-Confederacy. http://blackcommentator.com/613/613_cover_confederacy_fallen_sebesta_guest.html
3. Article on getting We Care to drop the Sons of Confederate Veterans as a charity. http://www.blackcommentator2.com/527_cover_scv_donation_loss_sebesta_guest.html
4. The following is a dossier on the racism and extremism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).
5. The following is a proposal to screen out those who are neo-Confederates, who identify with the Confederacy, who are sympathetic to the Confederacy from being jurors especially when the defendant is a minority member.
6. The following is a lengthy 4-part expose of the Museum of the Confederacy and it demonstrates that it really is a Museum for the Confederacy and not a Museum about the Confederacy.
1st installment:
2nd installment:
3rd installment:
4th installment:
7. I supplied the primary documentation for this article. http://www.blackcommentator.com/274/274_clinton_udc.html
Primary Document Historical Resource Websites for Historians and Students
1. Primary historical documents, Antebellum, Civil War and afterwards. These are materials that we couldn't fit into the book, "Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader." http://www.confederateneoconfederatereader.com/
2. www.citizenscouncils.com which has the entire run of the White Citizens’ Council’s newspaper online as a historical primary document resource about the Modern Civil Rights Era. THIS WEBSITE IS DOWN CURRENTLY.
Books acknowledged as a contributor.
1. "Dixie Rising," by Peter Applebome, "of the New York Times," Times Book, Random House, pub. 1996. Acknowledgment on page 353 as anonymous contributor.
2. "Confederates in the Attic," by Tony Horwitz, formerly of the "Wall Street Journal" and now with "The New Yorker." In the Acknowledgments as "Crawfish," a nom-de-plume on page 391.
3. "Lies Across America," by James Loewen. The New Press, pub. 1999. Acknowledgments on page 3.
4. "Celtic Geographies," a collection of papers, has a paper by Euan Hague, "The Scottish Diaspora: Tartan Day and the appropriation of Scottish identities in the United States," Routledge Press, London and New York, 2002.
Articles quoted as a source or interviewed. ( This has not been kept up. Frequently I contribute information to journalists about the neo-Confederate movement. Searching a news database wih the words "Confederate" and "Sebesta" will find most articles in which I am quoted.)
1. "Lott Renounces White 'racialist' Group He Praised in 1992," by Tom Edsall, Washington Post, Dec. 16, 1998, page A2. Name misspelled as "Sebasta."
2. "Racial Issues Dog GOP Foes; McCain Won't Fire Aide, Bush Pressed on Bob Jones, Flag," by Terry Neal, Edward Walsh, Washington Post, page A6, Feb. 18, 2000.
3. "Tartan Racists Drag Scotland in the Dirt," by Jack Mathieson. Daily Record of Glasgow, Scotland. July 3, 2000, page 21A.
4. "Ashcroft Whistles Dixie," by Alicia Montgomery, Salon, Jan. 3, 2001 online at <http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2001/01/03/partisan/index.html >. You can also find it with the search engine.
5. "Southern Fried," by Jim Schutze, Dallas Observer, July 1, 1999, <http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/1999-07-01/news/news2.html >
6. "Rebel Hunter: Oak Cliff's Ed Sebesta helped topple Trent Lott," Dallas Observer, January 9, 2003, http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2003-01-09/news/schutze.html
7. "The House that Dr. Calhoun Built," by Constance Adler, The Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 27, 2001. <http://www.bestofneworleans.com/archives/2001/0227/index.html>.
8. "A Sex-Free Scandal: When Racism is the issue, media are slow to dig," by Steve Rendall, Extra!, official publication of FAIR, March/April 1999, page 9. This article is online at: http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/a-sex-free-scandal/
9. "Your Clan or Ours?", by Diane Roberts, Oxford American, Sept.-Oct. 1999, pp. 24-30.
10. "Confederates to hold service at Downtown church," by Joey Matthews, 11/7/2014. Richmond Free Press. http://richmondfreepress.com/news/2014/nov/07/confederates-hold-service-downtown-church/?page=1
11. "Why the Confederacy Lives," Euan Hague, April 8, 2015, I have research byline. www.politico.com. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/04/civil-war-american-south-still-loves-confederacy-116771#.VSW0M_nF8Y0
12. "Confederate license tags in cross hairs, but not in South Carolina," Quoted about the extremism and anti-Semitism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. www.Politico.com. 6/23/15. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/confederate-license-plates-in-crosshairs-but-not-in-south-carolina-119335#ixzz3qpot3h6v
13. Interview by Max Blumenthal about the neo-Confederate movement. July 9, 2015 at Salon.com. http://www.salon.com/2015/07/09/neo_confederates_existential_crisis_why_they_cant_hide_their_racism_any_longer_partner/ Was also published at Alternet.com, and elsewhere.
14. Article about American history school text books. Quoted. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article27527029.html
15. "Bowdoin Ends Confederate-Heritage Award Like Many Still Offered by U.S. Service Academies," by Peter Schmidt. Oct. 26, 2015 online blog. The Chronicles of Higher Education, http://chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/bowdoin-ends-confederate-heritage-award-like-many-still-offered-by-u-s-service-academies/106066
1. Virginia flagger rally in Richmond, Virginia July 2015.
1. (2000) "The Confederate Memorial Tartan: Officially approved by the Scottish Tartan Authority" in Scottish Affairs, no. 31 (Spring) p.55-84. About neo-Confederate self-identification as Celtic.
2. (2002) "The US Civil War As A Theological War: Confederate Christian Nationalism and the League of the South," in Canadian Review of American Studies, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 253-284. It turns out that the Neo-Confederate movement and the Christian Reconstructionist movement are overlapped. It is a story starting out with James Thornwell, R.L. Dabney, Benjamin Palmer, proslavery theologians, and later Richard Weaver, C. Gregg Singer, R.J. Rushdoony, Eugene Genovese, and into the present with the League of the South.
3. "Asserting Celtic Roots: The use of Celtic culture in the nationalist campaigns of the Lega Nord and the League of the South," Euan Hague, Benito Giordano, Edward H. Sebesta, Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism, Vol. 34 (2004), pages 23-36.
4. "Whiteness, multiculturalism and nationalist appropriation of Celtic culture: the case of the League of the South and the Lega Nord," Euan Hague, Benito Giordano, Edward H. Sebesta, April 2005, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 151-173(23), Cultural Geographies. Abstract online at < http://cgj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/12/2/151>.
5. (2011) “The Jefferson Davis Highway: Contesting the Confederacy in the Pacific Northwest,” Euan Hague, Edward H. Sebesta, 2011, Journal of American Studies, Cambridge Journals, Vol. 45 No. 2, May 2011, pp. 281-301. Abstract online at http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8267705.
Black Commentator Articles Online
1. White Banal Nationalism and The Richland High School Rebels, about Confederate identifiers in the high schools, the rationalizations and excuses of the Birdville ISD for these Confederate identifiers and their banal white nationalism. http://blackcommentator.com/621/621_white_banal_nationalism_sebesta_guest.html
2. Has Neo-Confederacy Fallen? An assessment of the current status of neo-Confederacy after the Charleston Massacre, challenges that lie ahead in fighting neo-Confederacy, and an autobiography of 23 years of fighting neo-Confederacy. http://blackcommentator.com/613/613_cover_confederacy_fallen_sebesta_guest.html
3. Article on getting We Care to drop the Sons of Confederate Veterans as a charity. http://www.blackcommentator2.com/527_cover_scv_donation_loss_sebesta_guest.html
4. The following is a dossier on the racism and extremism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).
5. The following is a proposal to screen out those who are neo-Confederates, who identify with the Confederacy, who are sympathetic to the Confederacy from being jurors especially when the defendant is a minority member.
6. The following is a lengthy 4-part expose of the Museum of the Confederacy and it demonstrates that it really is a Museum for the Confederacy and not a Museum about the Confederacy.
1st installment:
2nd installment:
3rd installment:
4th installment:
7. I supplied the primary documentation for this article. http://www.blackcommentator.com/274/274_clinton_udc.html
Primary Document Historical Resource Websites for Historians and Students
1. Primary historical documents, Antebellum, Civil War and afterwards. These are materials that we couldn't fit into the book, "Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader." http://www.confederateneoconfederatereader.com/
2. www.citizenscouncils.com which has the entire run of the White Citizens’ Council’s newspaper online as a historical primary document resource about the Modern Civil Rights Era. THIS WEBSITE IS DOWN CURRENTLY.
Books acknowledged as a contributor.
1. "Dixie Rising," by Peter Applebome, "of the New York Times," Times Book, Random House, pub. 1996. Acknowledgment on page 353 as anonymous contributor.
2. "Confederates in the Attic," by Tony Horwitz, formerly of the "Wall Street Journal" and now with "The New Yorker." In the Acknowledgments as "Crawfish," a nom-de-plume on page 391.
3. "Lies Across America," by James Loewen. The New Press, pub. 1999. Acknowledgments on page 3.
4. "Celtic Geographies," a collection of papers, has a paper by Euan Hague, "The Scottish Diaspora: Tartan Day and the appropriation of Scottish identities in the United States," Routledge Press, London and New York, 2002.
Articles quoted as a source or interviewed. ( This has not been kept up. Frequently I contribute information to journalists about the neo-Confederate movement. Searching a news database wih the words "Confederate" and "Sebesta" will find most articles in which I am quoted.)
1. "Lott Renounces White 'racialist' Group He Praised in 1992," by Tom Edsall, Washington Post, Dec. 16, 1998, page A2. Name misspelled as "Sebasta."
2. "Racial Issues Dog GOP Foes; McCain Won't Fire Aide, Bush Pressed on Bob Jones, Flag," by Terry Neal, Edward Walsh, Washington Post, page A6, Feb. 18, 2000.
3. "Tartan Racists Drag Scotland in the Dirt," by Jack Mathieson. Daily Record of Glasgow, Scotland. July 3, 2000, page 21A.
4. "Ashcroft Whistles Dixie," by Alicia Montgomery, Salon, Jan. 3, 2001 online at <http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2001/01/03/partisan/index.html >. You can also find it with the search engine.
5. "Southern Fried," by Jim Schutze, Dallas Observer, July 1, 1999, <http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/1999-07-01/news/news2.html >
6. "Rebel Hunter: Oak Cliff's Ed Sebesta helped topple Trent Lott," Dallas Observer, January 9, 2003, http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2003-01-09/news/schutze.html
7. "The House that Dr. Calhoun Built," by Constance Adler, The Gambit Weekly, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 27, 2001. <http://www.bestofneworleans.com/archives/2001/0227/index.html>.
8. "A Sex-Free Scandal: When Racism is the issue, media are slow to dig," by Steve Rendall, Extra!, official publication of FAIR, March/April 1999, page 9. This article is online at: http://fair.org/extra-online-articles/a-sex-free-scandal/
9. "Your Clan or Ours?", by Diane Roberts, Oxford American, Sept.-Oct. 1999, pp. 24-30.
10. "Confederates to hold service at Downtown church," by Joey Matthews, 11/7/2014. Richmond Free Press. http://richmondfreepress.com/news/2014/nov/07/confederates-hold-service-downtown-church/?page=1
11. "Why the Confederacy Lives," Euan Hague, April 8, 2015, I have research byline. www.politico.com. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/04/civil-war-american-south-still-loves-confederacy-116771#.VSW0M_nF8Y0
12. "Confederate license tags in cross hairs, but not in South Carolina," Quoted about the extremism and anti-Semitism of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. www.Politico.com. 6/23/15. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/confederate-license-plates-in-crosshairs-but-not-in-south-carolina-119335#ixzz3qpot3h6v
13. Interview by Max Blumenthal about the neo-Confederate movement. July 9, 2015 at Salon.com. http://www.salon.com/2015/07/09/neo_confederates_existential_crisis_why_they_cant_hide_their_racism_any_longer_partner/ Was also published at Alternet.com, and elsewhere.
14. Article about American history school text books. Quoted. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article27527029.html
15. "Bowdoin Ends Confederate-Heritage Award Like Many Still Offered by U.S. Service Academies," by Peter Schmidt. Oct. 26, 2015 online blog. The Chronicles of Higher Education, http://chronicle.com/blogs/ticker/bowdoin-ends-confederate-heritage-award-like-many-still-offered-by-u-s-service-academies/106066
1. Virginia flagger rally in Richmond, Virginia July 2015.