First phase of battle to change Lamar St. to Botham Jean Blvd.
The campaign to change the remaining stretch of Lamar Street will be on another webpage Lamar New. This page is lamar old. The next phase of the battle will be documentated at this webpage.
There is still some Lamar left to be changed as shown by the map below.
City Council voted 15 to 0 to change the name of Lamar St. south of I-30 to Botham Jean Boulevard, but kept the name Lamar for the segment of South Lamar St. north of I-30 and North Lamar St.
This is the the part of Lamar Street that needs to be changed. What follows is some information about the struggle and vote for the name change. Material will be added as I compile it.
This is the the part of Lamar Street that needs to be changed. What follows is some information about the struggle and vote for the name change. Material will be added as I compile it.
News Articles on the name change.
These articles don't detail the really inane remarks of the opposition, Blewett, Gates, West. I will add that in later.
NOTE: The Dallas Observer mentions Yafeuh Balogun, Pamela Grayson, and Davante Peters. The Dallas Morning News doesn't. Pamela Grayson dropped out of the effort, but Yafeuh Balogun and Davante Peters were primary drivers in this effort to rename Lamar St. and will be continuing to work on the effort.
1. The Dallas Observer has been supportive of this change. This is the link to their article.
2. An earlier article about our efforts by the Dallas Observer.
3. Dallas Morning News did report it.
These articles don't detail the really inane remarks of the opposition, Blewett, Gates, West. I will add that in later.
NOTE: The Dallas Observer mentions Yafeuh Balogun, Pamela Grayson, and Davante Peters. The Dallas Morning News doesn't. Pamela Grayson dropped out of the effort, but Yafeuh Balogun and Davante Peters were primary drivers in this effort to rename Lamar St. and will be continuing to work on the effort.
1. The Dallas Observer has been supportive of this change. This is the link to their article.
2. An earlier article about our efforts by the Dallas Observer.
3. Dallas Morning News did report it.

Dallas property owner ridicules Botham Jean Blvd. as "BJ Boulevard" (i.e. Blow Job Blvd.)
The city of Dallas sent out forms to Lamar St. property owners to get their input about changing the name Lamar St. to Botham Jean Blvd. One of the property owners on Lamar St. ridiculed the proposed Botham Jean Blvd. as "BJ Blvd." (i.e. Blow Job Blvd.)
What he said was, "... And also I do not want my future business property to be located on BJ Boulevard. We already have a prostitution problem in this area."
This is the actual writing on the form sent back to the city of Dallas.
What he said was, "... And also I do not want my future business property to be located on BJ Boulevard. We already have a prostitution problem in this area."
This is the actual writing on the form sent back to the city of Dallas.
A closer view of the one section of what this property owner wrote.
The horrific tragedy of Botham Jeans murder is the occasion to make an obscene joke for this property owner. Though this response does represent the smug white attitute of the Dallas establishment. What is abnormal is that this person actually put it on a city form.
The Murder of Botham Shem Jean
These are some articles from the Dallas Morning News about the Botham Shem Jean murder. Being that it is the Dallas Morning New you need to read them carefully and critically.
The murder.
Shocking account of shot Botham Jean
The police tried smearing his character.
Lots of fooling around.
The murder.
Shocking account of shot Botham Jean
The police tried smearing his character.
Lots of fooling around.
On the form is the address of the property owner right underneath the handwritten comments.
So who is at 1922 S. Akard Street?
Going through online corporate records it appears that a William Baker, a principal in this firm is the owner of the Lamar Property. They have a Facebook page which I have meticulously documented as well as a webpage for their site which I have meticulously documented, just in case they disappear.
Now an attitude like this in Dallas among what they call nowadays the "Creative Class" isn't unique. Recently there was this scandal with a Dallas advertising firm. The title of the article is "Motel 6 fires Dallas ad firm The Richards Group over 'too Black' comment by founder Stan Richards.
If the Dallas establishment does express some outrage over the "BJ Blvd." remark it is likely that the real issue for which they are outraged is that these guys let it slip into formal documenation and put a crack in the facade of racial harmoney that Dallas likes to present to the world.
Trader Vic's a Major Customer
Ironically, it seems one of their major customers is the loathsome Trader Vic's restaurant chain. This is a Los Angeles Times article, "Tiki bars are built on cultural appropriation and colonial nostalgia. Where's the reckoning?," Nov. 27, 2019. Does a little Googling you can find a lot of material on this, but I think this article covers all the issues and is especially well written.
Is it Trader Vic's or Lovecraft County?
Look at this entry on their Facebook page. (While it lasts.) "Mystery awaits." Polynesian religion is made to be ominous. Is this a restaurant or a scene from an H.P. Lovecraft story?
Is going to a Trader Vic's restaurant a halloween adventure with this verticle lighting. Is it an episode of "Indiana Jones."
Could you disrespect Polynesian religion any more if you tried? This isn't surprising given the "BJ Blvd." comment.
This is the Spirit of Dallas
But maybe this is something the City of Dallas should promote. Socially unconscious or racist, in Dallas it can be one or the other or both, firms ready to work for loathsome clients.
I don't know what this firm is thinking. Maybe they are idiots. I am not going to pretend to read minds, I am going to point out the output which is a real observable thing.
This could be the slogan of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce. "We are pro-business, even if you are loathsome."
What follows is information about Mirabeau Lamar who is vicious an loathsome also. The fact that many property owners asked for the street name to be retained says something about them. It says something about the companies and firms and individual owners who didn't care and didn't respond, like the 7-Eleven Corp. and others.
I don't know what this firm is thinking. Maybe they are idiots. I am not going to pretend to read minds, I am going to point out the output which is a real observable thing.
This could be the slogan of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce. "We are pro-business, even if you are loathsome."
What follows is information about Mirabeau Lamar who is vicious an loathsome also. The fact that many property owners asked for the street name to be retained says something about them. It says something about the companies and firms and individual owners who didn't care and didn't respond, like the 7-Eleven Corp. and others.
Lamar Street
Lamar Street is named after Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar who lived from 1798 to 1859. He was an atrocious individual even for his time. There is a campaign ongoing to change the name of Lamar Street to Botham Jean street. Jean was shot to death by a Dallas Police officer who burst into Jean's apartment and after a couple words shot him. The police officer then turned on the light, so she claimed, and then realized it wasn't her apartment.
The Texas State Historical Association handbook entry for him is a white wash, which is somewhat typical for the TSHA.
For a good beginning look at Lamar's life there is this article in Texas Monthly.
The Texas State Historical Association handbook entry for him is a white wash, which is somewhat typical for the TSHA.
For a good beginning look at Lamar's life there is this article in Texas Monthly.
Historical Resources
1. This is the link to the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Handbook entry for Mirabeau B. Lamar. Even though it is an entry in the TSHA Handbook you get some information how dreadful he is.
2. This is a link to a letter Mirabeau B. Lamar wrote to the people of Georgia to support the annexation of the Republic of Texas into the United States. His chief point is that annexation would preserve slavey in Texas and preserve slavery in the South and protect it from the abolitionists.;idno=30902902
2. This is a link to a letter Mirabeau B. Lamar wrote to the people of Georgia to support the annexation of the Republic of Texas into the United States. His chief point is that annexation would preserve slavey in Texas and preserve slavery in the South and protect it from the abolitionists.;idno=30902902
Mirabeau Bounaparte Lamar: A Life of Vicious White Supremacy
Click on the icon to read it full page. A download icon will be in the upper left corner. It is free.
The following is a Scribd paper which you can read online here, but have to be member to download.
Mirabeau Bounaparte Lamar: ... by Edward H Sebesta on Scribd
You can see the following at Issuu and download it free.

20200826_information_on_mirabeau_lamar_sent_to_city_planning_commission.pdf | |
File Size: | 478 kb |
File Type: |
FIRST LETTER: Letter to the Dallas City Plan Commission about how it is wrong to have a street named after Mirabeau Lamar and further, how the city municipal code is unjust and a part of systemic racism, and further the City of Dallas past bad behavior regarding renaming city streets for civil rights leadeers with links to web pages with Study Papers. Copy of this letter was included in two seperate mailings to the Dallas City Planning Commission so that if they aren't attentive to their emails they will still know of this informatiton.
Click on the center icon to view the letter full size at Issuu and you can also download it with he download icon at the upper left side. You can read it online or you can download the PDF. Click on the square icon at the center.
Testimony before the Subdivision Subcommittee of the Dallas City Plan Commission on Sept. 3, 2020. Copies were mailed on 9/4/2020 to all 15 members of the Dallas City Plan Commission as well as all 15 members of the Dallas City Council.
LETTER TO POLICE OVERSIGHT BOARD: This letter is about the inappropriateness to have a street named after a white supremacist be the street address of the Dallas Police Dept. Headquarters. It was mailed to the chair of the Police Oversight board by certified mail and copies sent to all the other members of the Police Oversight Board as well as copies to each member of the Dallas City Planning Commission and all the members of the Dallas City Council and the Mayor of Dallas.